Archive | September, 2020


Married Democrat Politician Caught With Male Prostitute In Hotel Officially Declares He Is Bisexual

In March 2020, covered the case of Andrew Gillum, a Democrat politician who was caught in a hotel room with a male prostitute. Given the circumstances and of how methamphetamine was present, that there may have been the practice of “slamming” taking place. But regardless of the specifics (other than the obvious, for one […]

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African Tourism Industry Destroyed By COVID-19

Many nations around the world rely heavily on tourism, and due to the unfortunately unbalanced nature of development in Africa, tourism is one of the main sectors used to make money (as opposed to having a diversity of economic investments outside of those that strictly enrich a small ruling class that largely does not care […]

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C.G. Haendel Gets Bundeswehr Military Contract

Interesting news comes from Germany after the German Ministry of Defense announces a new contract for arms for the Bundeswehr as reported by T-Online. The Ministry of Defense wants to purchase the Bundeswehr’s new assault rifle from Thuringian manufacturer CG Haenel (Suhl). According to information from the German Press Agency, the Ministry of Defense informed […]

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Study: Cost Of Living Is Rising Much Faster Than Inflation

I have written many times about inflation and the relationship between money and policy, as well as the difference between inflation (rise in price because of demand leading to greed), and hyperinflation (the loss of faith in a currency that causes prices to rise because of the worthlessness of the means of exchange). What I […]

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When Is There Going To Be The First Chinese Chernobyl?

In the US, to refer to something in relation to Chernobyl is to suggest either a literal nuclear meltdown or a complete disaster as a metaphor. It refers to the meltdown of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Soviet Ukraine in April 1986. However, this is not the only nuclear disaster. In 1979, the US had […]

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“Prophet” Of Florida Church Goes To His Wife’s Workplace, Takes A Gun, And Shoots Her In The Head Multiple Times

In a story reported on by the Christian Post, a “prophet” of a Florida church is facing prison after she shot his wife in the heat twice at work. A Florida church is “devastated” after their pastor, who’s also a self-styled prophet with thousands of followers, was charged with fatally shooting his wife outside her […]

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Election Year Generally Overlooks Mainline Protestant Churches

If one looks at the US, one can say that many of the founders were of Anglo stock and were either a variant of English Protestant Christian persuasions, sometimes known under the title of “mainline Protestant”, or a sort of agnosticism under an equally diverse list of names. But whatever one was, the fact is […]

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Anarcho-Queer And Loving Demons- The New Face Of The GOP

If the Democrats are the “real deal”, then then Republicans are the same thing, just a watered-down version of them. This is an observation that many political observers have made throughout the years, and while it is certainly not an “official” position, it is based on clearly documented and consistent themes. The Democrat Party in […]

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San Francisco May Allow Sixteen-Year-Olds To Vote

Voting is one of those activities that draw the attention of the public because whether one believes in it as an efficacious tool of expressing political will or not, the vote is one way that binds all citizens to voluntary participation in the life of their nation. Voting is traditionally a practice reserved for adults, […]

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China Returns Five Missing Nationals To India After Confirming She Captured And “Educated” Them

The situation between China and India has been steadily deteriorating. The two have already had one shootout this year, and border clashed in villages in the Ladakh region are threatening a second shootout. Earlier this month, five Indians went missing in Arunachal Pradesh, which is located in the eastern region of India in the area […]

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Germany Discusses Possible Sanctions On Russian Gas Lines

There is a lot going on right now in Europe between Russia and Germany as the two historical powers are making attempts to exert their influence on the European continent once again. According to Reuters, there are now discussions coming from Merkel’s administration about possible sanctions on a Russo-German gas line. Chancellor Angela Merkel does […]

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Three Dozen Women Discover Their Child’s “Parent” From A Fertility Clinic Was Not A Genius, But A Dropout And Drunkard With Mental Problems

I do not believe I have ever covered the issue in writing, but from reading about trends in the fields of parenting, adoption, IVF, and essentially a modern and new form of trafficking in children, that in the name of ‘helping’ families, it would lead to serious abuses. One of the most obvious and blatant […]

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My Post (38)

Theodore Shoebat VS Andrew Bieszad: Should Priests Be Forced To Report Pedophiles To The Police?

By Theodore Shoebat A number of days ago, one of our authors, Andrew Bieszad, wrote an article on how the Australian government wants to force priests to report other priests to confess to them (in the confessional) that they have been molesting children. Andrew objected to this, arguing that it would break the Seal of […]

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Water Conflict Grows On The US-Mexican Border

Wars fought over resources are always a constant fact of human history. However, while many people think of “resources” such as farmland, mines, or wealth (gold), there is one commodity that is even more important than all of these- water -because without this simple thing that is so hard to acquire at times, entire civilizations […]

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Prepare For A Repeat Of 2000

One may remember the year 2000, where during that presidential election, amid chaos and confusion, Florida was the ‘swing state’ that swung the election from Al Gore to George W. Bush. Now there are still a LOT of questions about that election and the ‘vote counts’ that went on, and with good reason. But speculation […]

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